My daughters birthday is around the corner. I have read many birth-stories during my pregnancy which boosted my confidence and gave me an insight to the complete delivery process. So while my daughter is near to completing her first year, I finally got the guts to publish this story on blog. I was very apprehensive if I should or I should not since it is quite personal but then this blog is my baby too and I want to document this journey. So here I am finally sharing my own birth-story.
Coming to last trimester, I really got restless as the last month approached. Everyone I met said, now that it is last month baby is expected anytime hence I waited impatiently for any kind of labor sign. I completed my 39 weeks and in 40th week doctor asked me to come and get admitted for delivery since I was full time and there was no sign of baby making an entry anytime soon. Therefore, they had to give me artificial pains.
I got admitted to hospital on 4th Dec and my daughter was delivered on 5th Dec 10:02 a.m. I had a normal and painful delivery. I still can't forget the pain I went through and the pitch on which I was screaming. Pain was superficially high. My water broke on 4th night and only I know how I survived the complete night. The frequency and intensity of pain kept increasing hour after hour. On top of it the internal check up to check dilation was extremely painful too.
4th Dec around 9:00 p.m. Before my water broke |
The assistant doctor checked me around 6 am on 5th and said that I am only 4cm dilated which made me think if this is the pain at 4cm then what it would be at 10cm which was required dilation for normal delivery. So when around 8am main doctor arrived I told her if it is completely dilated then ok I am ready for normal else please go for cesarean since I could not bear pain more than this. So when main doctor checked me and to my surprise she told me I am 8cm ready and would deliver in another hour or so, after listening to which I was pretty much started cursing the assistant doc.
Smiling with pain |
Tired and exhausted |
Finally they gave me an injection which increased my pain and I was 10cm dilated after 30mins. They took me to delivery room at around 9:30 and after around 3 times of pushing, I welcomed my baby.
Anyways after all the struggle and pains when I was handed over my daughter I actually forgot everything. The happiness on face of my husband, parents, in laws and close ones was much more then the pain I went through.
I had delivery phobia like any other girl. The screams from the nearby labor room made me more nervous but I think God has created woman with a power to bear such pains. I always thought I would never be able to deliver normally but I think God himself gives strength to a "mommy" to go through this situation.
Trust God, have faith and everything will be fine. Sharing with you some moments from Hospital. (No edits because these pictures are really special to me)
Pink ribbon on my room's door |
Her first picture. Welcome to world my dear princess |
Her daddy went crazy clicking endless selfies with her. |
her daddy dearest
And the celebrations. Best friend of ours bought us a cake. |
~Live Love Laugh~
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